Call In Sick Migraine

Call in sick migraine has to do. with the methodology involved in calling one’s employer or important personnel at work when there is the onset of a migraine and the need to be absent from work. Before discussing methods of calling in sick, there is a need to have an idea about what a migraine is.

A migraine is a form of headache that is very disturbing, this headache is throbbing, distressing and so severe that it could affect day-to-day activities.

Different signs and symptoms are associated with migraine

Some Signs are Seen Before the Headache: Such Signs Include:

Some sensations known as an aura can occur when the patient-perceived bright lightSome may hear some sounds before the headache startsThere may be yawning, dizziness, and general weakness before the onset of symptoms

During the Headache:

There may be dizzinessThere may be nausea and vomitingThere can be pain which might be mild, moderate, or severe depending on the degree of the headache. Nasal congestion may occur

After the Headache, This is the Resolution Stage

There may be irritabilityTiredness and exhaustion from the headache may occur

Causes of Migraine are not Specific. Some of these include:

Genetic predisposition: Parents with migraine are more likely to have children with suchEnvironmental stress: Such as loud noises and changes in temperatureDiets such as excess consumption of chocolates, and nuts. Additives present in food such as tyramine and sodium monoglutamates are at risk of migrainePoor sleepReduce drinking of water leading to dehydration. Emotional changes such as excess anxiety or depression. Changes in hormonal profile may or may not be related to menstruation.


Usually, drugs named ‘triptans’ such as sumatriptan are used

 Analgesics such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen can be usedTreatment can also be based on the symptoms, anti emetics can be given for someone vomiting and nasal decongestants may be used to decongest the nose

Prevention is the Key. This includes:

Avoiding triggers as much as possibleDietary modifications, nuts cheese, chocolates, and other food containing tyramine should be avoided. Enough sleep is requiredAs much as possible, emotional stability is essential

Call in Sick Migraine can be Done Using Different Means.

 The polite call can be placed to the employerSending text messages to the employer in a polite mannerA colleague can be sent to the employer or the important personnel and there may be a need to follow up with a call or text messageAbsence from work without notification may be dangerous, it may trigger unnecessary fear or portray an act of unseriousness to the coworkers and the employer

Advantages of Call in Sick Migraine

It allows the colleague and employer as the case may be to understand the nature of the illnessIt serves as evidence of the reason for your absenceIt shows how responsible one is. It shows one’s attitude to work


Too frequent calls may trigger some negative reactionsThere may be a need to ask the patient to leave the workDespite Call in Sick Migraine, absence from work may reduce productivityThere may be stigma where people might call the person in concern all sorts of names either directly or indirectly.


Call in Sick Migraine is good and advisable. Anyone can be a patient at any time, no one is immune to illness. It is good to understand the severity of this disease as proper understanding will help the patient in seeking medical attention and will help the employer or authority concerned to see ways they can modify their working conditions in favor of the patient.

Is a migraine the same as a normal headache?

Answer: No headache is normal, however, a migraine is a form of headache.

Can I still do my day-to-day activities when I have a migraine?

Answer: It depends on the kind of migraine, severe migraine may limit the day-to-day activities, however, one may still manage to cope with a migraine.

Is it good to always take permission when my migraine starts?

Answer: This is best known to you, when a migraine is very serious, it is advisable to seek permission for you. If it is mild and you can cope with your daily activities, it is better to go to work after taking medications and there is an improvement. However, if there is no improvement after medications irrespective of the severity, there is a need to see a physician.

Should I use the drug my friend is using for migraine too?

Answer: Do not use the drugs that are not prescribed to you. The medical condition of your friend might be different from yours. As much as possible, see a physician for appropriate treatment.