Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is receiving a massive content drop in December, introducing new maps, game-mode, and features simultaneously across all platforms. This marks the beginnings of a change in direction for Call of Duty, as the series is widely known for content exclusivity on certain platforms, most notably with the PlayStation 4 in this current console generation.

It’s been just one month since the release of 2019’s Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, but excitement for the title hasn’t died down. The game is a reimagining of the long-celebrated Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, which many fans and critics have argued is the best in the series. 2019’s Modern Warfare is no critical disappointment though; in fact, it’s received considerable praise and is regarded as a ‘huge leap forward.’ It’s no secret that Call of Duty is one of gaming’s most lucrative franchises, so it should come as no surprise that Modern Warfare smashed sales records within its first month.

The announcement of the new Call of Duty content drop comes straight from Modern Warfare publisher Activision. In a blog post titled ‘The Biggest Free Content Drop In Call of Duty History," Activision lays out the roadmap for Modern Warfare going forward. New content will begin to trickle out in the first week of December. So far, Activision has revealed new content including: two weapons, three game-modes, four spec-ops experiences, and eight new maps. The three main multi-player maps (Crash, Vacant, and Shipment) are all originally from Call of Duty 4.

In addition to ’the biggest free content drop in series history,’ Activision also had more to share about what’s coming to Modern Warfare. In a separate blog post, the publisher announced that the Beta for the 2v2 gunfight tournament was launching. This new game mode pits players against one another in teams of two. Previously, gunfight was a game-mode that went through rigorous game testing. Now, Activision believes the mode is ready for high octane competition.

No matter what, Call of Duty seems to climb to the top of the list of best selling games every year. What that means is that there’s no reason Activision has to give away free content, especially the large amount of content that will be coming soon to players. But Modern Warfare seems like a step in the right direction in gaining back the support of even the most ardent critics of the series. Developer Infinity Ward said the game would not censor its graphic content prior to release, and post-launch, it’s clear all involved are sticking to their vision for the game. It seems for now like that vision has the best interests of the fans in mind.

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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is available now for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

Source: Activision