With the release of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, Infinity Ward did away with playable Specialists and Combat Rigs at an attempt to simplify the multiplayer experience. In previous titles, Specialists and Combat Rigs provided unique abilities, equipment, and weapons that players can use in multiplayer matches. Due to some criticisms from players, they have been replaced by Operators, which are essentially cosmetic skins with different appearances, voice lines, and executions. While Operators don’t provide any competitive advantages in multiplayer, there are quite a few for players to unlock and choose their favorite.

In order to unlock Operators in Modern Warfare, players have to complete a variety of tasks across campaign missions, multiplayer modes, and Spec Ops operations. Each Operator also has unlockable skins that players can get by completing various challenges while using them. There are a total of 18 Operators that players can unlock with three Operators from each Faction, totaling nine each for the Coalition (SAS, Warcom, and Demon Dogs) and the Allegiance (Spetsnaz, Jackals, and Chimera). This guide will outline how to unlock every Operator currently available in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. It also appears that more Operators might be added to the game, some as downloadable content in future updates, so this guide will be updated to include future playable Operators as well.



  • Thorn: Complete the “Piccadilly” Campaign Mission Charly: Play 25 public matches Otter: Complete the “Operation: Paladin” in Western Verdansk


  • Domino: Win 5 matches of Gunfight. Golem: Complete the “Operation: Headhunter” in Downtown Verdansk Wyatt: Complete the “The Wolf’s Den” Campaign Mission

Demon Dogs

  • D-Day: Complete the “Hunting Party” Campaign Mission Alice: Complete the “Operation: Harbringer” in Eastern Verdansk Raines: Get 500 Light Machine Gun (LMG) kills in Multiplayer matches



  • Minotaur: Get 300 Assault Rifle kills in Multiplayer matches Bale: Complete the “Into the Furnace” Campaign Mission Rodion: Complete the “Operation: Just Reward” in Downtown Verdansk


  • Azur: Complete the “Old Comrades” Mission in the Campaign Grinch: Get 100 Headshots in Multiplayer matches Zane: Complete all Co-Op Operations in Verdansk


  • Yegor: Complete the “Proxy War” Campaign Mission Kreuger: Execute 25 Finishing Moves Syd: Kill 5 Juggernauts in any Co-Op Mission (Spec Ops)

More: It Costs $20 to Seen In-Game Deaths in Modern Warfare?

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is now available for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.