Much to the delight of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare fans, a 1v1 playlist for the iconic Rust map has been officially released. After Rust’s remake released in Modern Warfare in early February, fans immediately speculated as to the potential for 1v1 showdowns. Now, it looks like the developers have come through.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Season 2 brought with it Rust as one of the game’s newest multiplayer maps, alongside Atlas Superstore and Shokov Boneyard. Before the latest playlist update, Rust was only available in Gunfight and Standard Multiplayer modes. As the season progresses, two additional maps are to also be released, Bazarr and Khandor Hideout. All these maps will be made available across all core playlist modes, including Team Deathmatch, Domination, and Cyber Attack.

According to EuroGamer, the 1v1 Rust playlist for the new Call of Duty is now available on all platforms under the “1v1 Me Bro!” game mode. This Modern Warfare playlist update brought additions changes including removing double XP form playlists as well as combining Rust 24/7 and Shipment 24/7 into one playlist titled “Flotation Oxidation.” Furthermore, the Tavorsk District has now reinstated into Ground War’s rotation, and the game is also including a NVG, which stands for Night Vision Goggles, version of the unique game mode Reinforce, a night-time based mode. Players in Reinforce can respawn dead teammates by capturing one of the three flags spread across the map. Check out the game’s Season 2 trailer, courtesy of Eurogamer, below:

What makes the “1v1 me Rust” joke unique to the COD community is that duels on the map were popular due to its structure. Rust is one of the smallest maps ever created for Call of Duty and is known for creating frantic battles. Additionally, it’s compact size made for increased enemy visibility when using sniper rifles compared to other maps. In recent years, the map has become a popular environment for montages and videos. The phrase “1v1 me Rust” is forever ingrained into the gaming community and has evolved into a common saying among long-time Call of Duty fans.

The playlist update comes amidst rumors of a new Call of Duty: Modern Warfare battle royale game mode, spurred on by Activision announcing new game modes were indeed in the works. Speculation suggests that the large map at the end of Season One’s cinematic hints at the arrival of the battle royale mode, and players have reportedly already discovered glitched Warzone game data and accessed small portions of the map. Furthermore, leaked images of Warzone have been copyright struck by Activision, which many say confirms the leaked information is real. For now, the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare community is ecstatic about the resurrection of Rust 1v1s, and fans will have to wait and see if any official information about Warzone will be announced.

Next: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Beginner’s Guide to Online Multiplayer

Source: Eurogamer