A landlord in South Africa cannot evict a tenant without a court order, and they cannot terminate a tenancy agreement without a valid reason. A landlord also cannot interfere with the tenant’s reasonable enjoyment of the property, or harass them.

There is no definitive answer to this question, as it may vary depending on the landlord’s specific preferences and requirements. However, in general, a landlord is likely to expect tenants to keep their house clean and free of clutter, and to take care of any necessary repairs or maintenance.

Yes, a tenant can refuse access for maintenance, but the landlord may have other ways to access the property if necessary. In most states, landlords are allowed to enter the property for inspections, repairs, or to show it to prospective tenants or buyers with reasonable notice. If the tenant is causing damage or is not following the lease agreement, the landlord may be able to enter without notice.

Landlords can keep a set of keys, but they must give a copy to the tenant. The landlord should also have a key safe or key box so that they can access the property in an emergency.

Landlords can generally require professional cleaning after a tenant moves out, but there may be some exceptions depending on the state. For example, in California, landlords are only allowed to require professional cleaning if the tenant has caused significant damage to the property.

Landlords in the UK are allowed to charge for cleaning services, but there is no set amount that they can charge. It is up to the landlord to negotiate a price with the tenant that both parties are happy with.

Landlords in the UK are allowed to keep a tenant’s deposit for cleaning if the property is left in an unsatisfactory condition. Tenants are typically expected to leave the property in the same condition as when they moved in, except for normal wear and tear. If the property is not cleaned to the landlord’s satisfaction, they may withhold some or all of the deposit for cleaning costs.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the frequency of visits will vary depending on the specific property and situation. However, a good rule of thumb is to visit at least once a month, if not more often. This will allow you to keep an eye on things and address any issues or concerns that may arise.

Landlords can visit their property as often as they like, but they should give tenants reasonable notice before doing so. Landlords should also respect the tenants’ privacy, and not enter the property without permission unless there is an emergency.

A landlord can enter a property without permission if they give the tenant proper notice.

In most cases, a tenant cannot change the locks on the property without the landlord’s permission. However, there may be some exceptions depending on the state or local laws. If the tenant does change the locks without permission, the landlord may be able to have them changed back and/or seek damages.

In Texas, a tenant cannot change the locks without the landlord’s permission. The landlord has a right to protect their property, and changing the locks without permission could be seen as an act of defiance or hostility. If a tenant needs extra security, they should discuss it with their landlord.

Yes, a landlord can claim for cleaning. The landlord is typically responsible for cleaning the property between tenants, and may also be responsible for repairing any damage caused by the tenant. If the tenant leaves the property in a state of disrepair, the landlord may be able to claim for the cost of repairing the damage.