As compared to the size of the mouse they can climb/jump very high, they can jump up to 10 inches from standstill and over 24 inches if they are running. They can reach up to heights where we suppose they can’t but they can. With their jumping abilities, they can reach up to almost anywhere. 

Steps to solve your mice dilemma.

Step 1: Take a 5-gallon bucket and drill the holes on top of the bucket, not on the bottom. 

Step 2: Take a metal rod or your metal hanger( make holes on the bucket according to your preferences).

Step 3: Use a metal can or a soda can, empty the content of the can, and make holes on either side of the can.

Step 4: Assemble the set of the bucket, rod/hanger, and can.

Step 5: Take peanut butter and spread it on the can.

Step 6: Take a wooden block, to make the ramp for the mice to come and eat their food, then what, they fall in the bucket. 

(If you want to kill them make sure to fill the bucket with water or you can be creative and make sure your snake has its lunch.)

There are lots of traps out there to trap mice, but it is the most efficient one and easy for DIY. 

If you want to catch the rats then you have to take 55 inches and more water to fill up the bucket. Make sure your bucket is not light weighted otherwise it will trip over, instead, use a heavily weighted bucket. Plant the trap where you can see the signs of their feces. 

fatty acids, nuts, peanut butter, cheese, fruit jams, small pieces of chocolate, seeds, and wet pet food attract the mice so use them to trap mice.  

The mice have very flexible bodies and many of them consider that mice have collapsible skeletal, but they don’t have collapsible skeletal it is a myth, they have the same bones and cartilage as we possess. Still, they can fit through surprisingly small holes because not that they have soft bones or come apart bones, they can fit through small holes because of their body ( long, flexible, and cylindrical) they use their whiskers to fit in a hole and they decide whether they fit in or not. Small mice can also fit through in a quarter-size hole. It’s is an important consideration while you are rat-proofing your home. They can spread many diseases and the most common disease is spread by their feces is known as salmonellosis, this type of food poisoning can cause nausea, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Mice are capable to spread rat bites, hantavirus, and also bubonic plague.  Mice are smaller than rats and more troublemakers. We, humans, are afraid of mice but they are more afraid of us so we know who has the upper hand, so grab them and don’t be afraid of them anymore. So, they often live in their habitat, but they come in houses because of the smell of food. 

Some interesting facts about mice

 With their fur, they appear big than they are. They use their urine as a way of leaving a mark where they previously explored. They are adjustable to every new place. Their small claws help them to climb/jump vertically on rough as well as smooth surfaces. They use their whiskers to identify if the surface is smooth or rough. They can survive a fall from 10-12 feet. They can run up to 8 mph. Mice are polyestrous i. e. they can breed year-round if the living conditions are ideal. A female mouse can bear 7-8 litters around a year, which means a lot. An experiment conducted by John B. Calhoun in the late 1960s, where he put all living conditions available and within 2 years of the period, a family of rodents flourished in 2,200. This is so much to mice in 2 years, think of that number it’s huge. Mice are natural swimmers, though it’s not their ideal medium to travel bit they can, they can hold their breath for approximately 3 minutes and it’s huge as compare to the man who approximately holds their breath till 2 minutes Mice can swim for up to 3 days. They are incredibly adapted to every situation. They are burrowing rodents so they can squeeze into every tiny hole.  They have great power of hearing. Their frequency range is from 1kHz-70kHz. To communicate with each other they use ultrasonic sound which is inaudible to humans. They rely on their hearing because their vision is poor.             

And some species of mice can be used as pets and you can have a great company. But remember everything about hygiene.

Frequently asked questions

Q. Can mice climb walls?

Ans. The house mouse and brown rats are common rodents. Both rats and mice are great climbers and can climb vertical walls if they are rough. And climb up to drain pipes.

Q. How long does it take a rat to starve to death?

Ans. It takes a hamster to die due to starvation, it takes 4-5 days.

Q. Can you drown mice?

Ans. They are a natural swimmer, but can’t survive more than 3 minutes if the walls are limited.

Q. What do mice hate?

Ans. They have a highly developed sense of smell. The smell of peppermint oil, castor oil, citronella oil all drives mice away from your house. Dip the cotton balls into the above-mentioned oils and they sure will maintain distance with your food/house.

Q. Where do mice hide?

Ans. You can most often find mice hiding places are Inside or beneath kitchen and bathroom cabinets. Inside or behind a cabinet or desk drawers. Under or behind kitchen appliances. Under furniture or inside upholstered furniture voids. In secluded corners of cluttered rooms, garages, or attics. They can be anywhere there is food.

Like we say, if there is a will there will be away, and what we can say about the mice is, if there will be food there will be away.

The best way to keep your home rodents and pest-free is to call a professional pest control company.