Can I cancel Cox Cable but keep Internet?

Yes, it is possible to cancel the cox cable services but keep the internet service. You will need to follow some simple steps to complete the cancellation process. The cox does not provide a cancellation facility online, so you will need to make a call to the cox customer care department. They would prompt your call to the customer retention team. The customer retention team is the last resort of cox to keep you on board. This team is specially trained to keep the customer on board and convince them not to cancel the service.

Steps to cancel Cox Cable TV service:

Following are some simple steps you will need to follow to cancel the cox cable but keep the internet.

1. Call Cox customer care service: 

You will be able to reach the customer care agent by giving your account and billing information to the automated voice system. After that your call would be directed to the cancellation department which is all negotiation specialists, so you are advised to make up your mind that nothing can persuade you from terminating the service.

2. Prepare an excuse: 

It is the consumer’s personal will to keep the service or not. But still, you will need to give a strong excuse like, you want to save on your bills for months or a year, or you don’t use the service now as you used it before, etc. Don’t use a simple excuse like you are moving from the area, because they would quickly check if their services are available in that area and would try to convince you with golden deals and bundles that sound good.

3. Be strong and firm: 

Remember that your main goal is to cancel the cable service but keep the internet. So you will need to be firm and calm throughout the call. Don’t be harsh no matter how much they annoy you to keep using their services. They will most likely try to offer you their best bundles and discounts to change your mind. In that case, you just need to be persistent and clear that you don’t have any other option but cancel the service.

4. Confirm the cancellation details: 

After all your firm talk and strong excuse, they would proceed with the cancellation process. It is important to confirm the cancellation of cable service and retention of internet service. It would be stressful if the service remains after that one-hour-long cancellation call and you would have to repeat the whole discussion. So ask the agent to make sure that cable service has been canceled successfully while internet service would still be working.

5. Return all equipment: 

After the cancellation of service, ask them about the instruments that you need to return to the company. Because if you don’t return the equipment within 10 days then you would have to pay extra charges for this. You can return the equipment through “cox technician pickup” by paying an extra $20 or you can send it via mail, UPS drop off, or return it to the retail store.

Once you are done with all these steps, it is advised to call cox communication one last time and ask them about any remaining dues and confirm that your account is paid. 

Effect of cancellation of TV service on your monthly bill:

The cancellation of cable service does not cause a hefty decrease in your monthly bills. It depends on the internet bundle that you have subscribed to. Because without cable service, you will be getting no discount on internet only bundle. But yes it makes a slight decrease in your monthly bills.


Many consumers want to cancel their cox cable service but keep the internet service. There may be several possible reasons for this, they might have found a better network operator at low prices, they might not use their TV service anymore or they shift to some other area. Simple steps to cancel the cable service and keep the internet are discussed above. The cox customer care agent would want to know the reason for your cancellation, so you must prepare a strong excuse for cancellation and also confirm the cancellation from the agent to avoid any misunderstanding in the future.

Q 1: Is there a fee to cancel the cox cable?

Ans: If you want to cancel the service before your contract is over then you would have to pay $10 as an early termination fee for each remaining month.

Q 2: Does cox bill a month in advance?

Ans: Cox charges all customers an advance bill for the normal monthly service charges. When a bill is received, it is for approximately the next 30 days of service.

Q 3: Can I cancel my cox service online?

Ans: Cox doesn’t allow its consumers to cancel any service via hotline or online portal. You will need to visit the cox retail store or call their retention department to cancel any service.