To create a new account on tik tik, you have to go to tik or use the app which are both free. You have to sign up with your email address and password, so there are no fees. When filling out the form, it is important to remember that you need an email address, which will be used for other purposes as well, so choose wisely.

A social media platform can delete an account for many reasons; however, TikTok is known to delete accounts when they are inactive.  It is one of the most popular apps in the world with over 300 million active monthly users.  The app does not have a website for old accounts so it is unknown if they do in fact delete old accounts.

The first thing to consider is that deleting a musical selection from iTunes or on an iPod does not delete the song from your computer’s hard drive. In fact, the file is still accessible. If you really want to delete a musical selection from your computer, you’ll need to go through the steps of emptying the Recycle Bin or Trash can and erasing it completely. Once a deletion has been completed, nothing more can be done with the file.

I am sorry to hear that you are looking for your old TikTok account! In the event that you have not used the application in a while, I recommend going to the website and inputting your login information. If that does not work, then it is imperative that you contact TikTok’s customer service. They will be able to help with any questions or concerns.

Nope. They switched the default account to a different login for mobile devices and some other things like social media accounts. It’s not as bad as it sounds, but we haven’t been able to tell if we can make another account or not.

The first step to logging into your account is verifying your email address. You can find this under the “Settings” tab on the left side of the screen. Once you have confirmed your email, go to the “Log-in” tab at the top right hand corner of your screen and click the button “Sign in with Facebook”. Fill in your information and click submit. Now you should be able to log in to your account!

Musicology is the study of music. It traces its roots back to ancient China, when scholars recognized that they could not fully understand their culture without understanding the language of its music. Modern-day musicology involves studying how changes in technology affect music, and how audiences interact with musicians. The Society for Music Theory is an organization that encourages the development of new directions in the field.

It was so easy to find old musicals on YouTube. All I had to do was type in “Lys” and there were pages of old musicals, perfect for an evening of entertainment.

Your account may have been deleted because the company decided to shut down the app.

If you can’t remember your username or email address, there is no way to recover your account. However, if you have access to the email address or username associated with your account, you can reset your password.