Yes, you can have 2 email addresses on your PayPal account. There is no limit to the number of email addresses you can add to your PayPal account.

No, you cannot. PayPal does not allow the use of an email address alone to send or receive money.

PayPal’s email is typically a person’s [email protected], but it can also be found in the “Profile” section of their account.

No, your email address is not your PayPal account. You can change your email address at any time by logging in to your PayPal account and editing the information.

The primary email address in PayPal is the email address that is associated with the PayPal account. To change the primary email address in PayPal, log into your account and go to “Profile” then “Edit profile.” From there, you can update your primary email address.

You can either send them an email or use one of the many online payment services.

PayPal emails are from the PayPal team and typically contain a subject line that says “Update on your account” or “Your account is ready.” These emails include a link to view your account. If you have a question about an email from PayPal, please contact them at www.PayPal.

Yes, you can send money to anyone with an email address. You will need to set up a PayPal account and link it to your bank account in order to do this.You can send money to anyone with an email address. To do so, you’ll need to set up a PayPal account – which is free – and link it to your bank account.

Yes, you can. To do so, go to the PayPal website and type in the person’s email address.

PayPal is a popular and trusted online payment service, so it’s likely that you’ll be able to find the person asking this question on it. If not, you can always use the email address they provided in their profile.