Yes, you can keep your AOL email address if you cancel your account. However, your account will be cancelled and you will no longer be able to use AOL services.

Yes, you can keep your AOL email address if you switch providers. All you need to do is update your settings with your new provider to ensure that your email is delivered to your AOL account.

AOL email does not expire. However, the account may be cancelled if it is not used for a certain period of time.

Yes, you can forward your AOL email to Gmail. To do this, you’ll need to create a forwarding address in your AOL account. Then, when you send an email from your AOL account, it will be forwarded to your Gmail account.

AOL no longer charges for email. In fact, the company has been giving away email accounts for free for many years.

Your email address will remain the same when you switch providers. The only thing that will change is your password, which you will need to enter when you sign in to your new provider’s site.

AOL is still in existence as of 2021. However, it is a much different company than it was in the early days of the internet. It has been acquired by Verizon and is now a subsidiary of that company.

AOL saves emails for 7 years.

AOL is not changing its email in 2021. The company has been around for over 30 years and has had many different email platforms throughout that time. The current platform, AOL Mail, is not going anywhere anytime soon.

AOL membership provides a number of benefits, including access to exclusive content, a personalized home page, and email. Additionally, members can take advantage of discounts on products and services from AOL’s partners.