To buy from Louis Vuitton is always happened to be a luxurious choice to make and as they say it always shows “The Art of Living” through the products. Their showroom features Bags, leather wallets, accessories, shoes, fragrances, watches, and pieces of jewelry for both women and men. When you buy something from LV, you will always be receiving a receipt or a bill with the item you are buying. But it is not coming just with a receipt. You will get a complete package of authentication documents, the paper works you did while purchasing from the store or the online store, and a paperback kind of small card in which you can find the instruction to follow about the material. 

For only two instances you need the use of the receipt. One is when you need to re-evaluate anything about the price or consider it into any sort of budget recording. The other one is when you want to return or exchange the product. So in case, you lost the receipt, you need a new one to sort out the above two problems if wanted. If you lose your receipt, the Louis Vuitton store won’t look up the receipts or the purchase you did on any previous days.   

But when the reason you need the lost receipt is to get an exchange or a return of the product you bought, you can do this process by not having the receipt too. The primary need to do is with the receipt but in case you have not got any, you can go to the store and ask to check the purchase details. They will soon be doing the authentication process by checking the name tag, stamping inside the product, etc. 


The package of Louis Vuitton is always done cautiously with everything including the documents of the sale that you did with the company. They ensure that you have a receipt that defines the amount corresponding to the items on your cart and checkout it formally. The package also includes other documents, instructions on the item, methods to prevent it from damage, etc. These all documents are important and you need to put them somewhere safe in case you need them for a return or an exchange.

While receiving your package, you have to check whether all these materials are inside it. When you do online purchases, there are chances that you can get scammed. Many local companies provide or showcase fake items of LV on the internet. Again this will not happen if you purchase online via their official International website,

Authentication Process 

The authentication process can be when you return your item back to Louis Vuitton and ask for an exchange. LV will not give you a refund for returning the product because of various company policies. When you lose your receipt, there are many ways they can track back your purchase, but it is definitely a difficult job to do. Looking back at the databases and finding all the data of your purchase and then, finally, the identification has to be similar to the product.

This can make no sense to the customer, but for the company’s concern, you have to go through every step. After all, you are the one and only reason why you lost the receipt of this luxurious deal. Anyway, the process is all about checking the product and matching it with the data they had when you purchased it. They even examine the size of every letter of the logo printed on its surface can make a big difference between a real and fake one.


The identification process can be a hefty process when we go through it because, they have to confirm that you returned their product, not any fake one. That is the duty. This can happen to anyone, someday, some person would show up and return a scammed product and say the same reason “I lost my receipt”. To avoid that confusion and reduce all the scams from the eyes of the public they have to go through these steps.

Q. Is LV a popular brand?

Louis Vuitton is a celebrated brand with a long-running history so it must be popular. Do all people buy LV bags and accessories? No, LV is not that good in sales. Because of the price tag.