And what happens to these polymers once we’ve consumed them? You’ve undoubtedly pondered if we’re all going to die if we eat little Plastics. Eating a modest amount of plastic, on the other hand, isn’t going to harm you. Because there has never been substantial research on this subject, it is impossible to say whether consuming microplastic will kill you right away. It would most likely pass through your body in a day or two. The issue arises when you consume plastic regularly. MicroPlastics have an effect on the human body when consumed in large quantities. When we have too much plastic in our bodies, we are exposed to the hazardous compounds that are included in the plastics we have consumed. Premature birth, asthma, miscarriage, aberrant sex organ development, premature breast growth, low sperm count in adult males, and many other disorders have been associated with these substances. Let’s take a closer look at the details below.

Small Bits of Plastic are Consumed by Everyone, Including Adults

Right, you’re startled; there are small plastic particles everywhere, and it’s quite easy to swallow them without realizing it. You’re probably wondering how you could be consuming plastic without realizing it. Yes, it is possible to swallow small plastic because it is present in everything we consume, from the food we eat to the water we drink to the air we breathe. You are likely to ingest plastic if you ever eat, drink, or breathe in air. And the air is not filtered before being inhaled.

Unconscious Ingestion of Plastics- Swallowing Plastic

Plastic can be swallowed unintentionally in the following ways:

During the production process, workers are exposed to hazardous chemicals;Drinking water that has been tainted with plastic;Also, food, such as mussels, which are typically eaten whole, allows the Plastic in their digestive systems to be absorbed;While using plastic packaging, leaching into stored food items occurs;Children chewing on plastic teethers and toys.

How Do Plastics End Up in Our Food, Water, and Everything Else?

Humans have manufactured more than 8 billion tons of plastic over the years. Only about 10% of this massive amount of plastic has been recycled. Much of it has degraded over time into microscopic particles that end up in lakes, rivers, and oceans, poisoning our food and water. Furthermore, much of our food is wrapped in plastic, which causes small particles to break off and enter our meals. We inhale tens of thousands of microscopic plastic particles or fibers per year because there is so much plastic around.

Other Consequences of Plastic Use- Let’s Find Out

In addition to the disorders mentioned above, eating microplastic might result in the following:

CancerDefects in the wombImmune system dysfunctionDisruption of hormonesEffects on reproduction and development

10 Easy Ways to Reduce Microplastics in Your Daily Life

Drink filtered tap water: although tap water contains microplastic, it may be removed through filtration. It’s also worth noting that tap water has fewer plastic particles in it than bottled water. Microwaving food in plastic can cause the plastic to deteriorate and introduce a few particles into the food.  Cutout tames away cups: drinking hot coffee or tea from a disposable cup adds to your microplastic intake. To limit the amount of time spent on it as much as possible. Avoid these plastics: All plastics are dangerous in general, but those with recycling codes 3, 6, and 7 are particularly harmful. And, if at all possible, stay away from them. Change your laundry routine/pay attention to the clothes you buy: Aside from avoiding synthetic fibers in your clothing and instead opting for natural materials such as wool, silk, and hemp – and generally wearing less clothing, as even organic cotton clothing has an environmental impact – some products can also help limit seafood consumption: many fish have a colorful pile of plastic in their bellies that they have ingested over time. We eat what they eat, and we eat what they eat. Reduced seafood consumption also means less microplastic in our bodies. Regular dusting and vacuuming: minimal plastic particles are so small that they get mixed up in the dust under our mattresses, in domestic corners, and floating in the air. Dusting and vacuuming regularly can help prevent microplastics from collecting and swallowed by household residents.

Other Options for Minimizing Plastic Consumption Include:

Support initiatives aimed at reducing the usage of single-use plastics. Use loose-leaf tea instead of tea bags. Use plastic-free cosmetics and beauty products with no microbeads.


We’ve seen that microplastic is everywhere, and it’s dangerous, so we should use the methods indicated above to reduce our exposure to it.

  1. Why should I limit my intake of microplastic if it will not kill me?

Answer: Extensive research is still being conducted to determine if it can kill people; but, as previously stated, it can create serious health problems, which is why you should avoid consuming it.

  1. What if I think I already have too much in my system?

Answer: Please consult your physician.

  1. How do I know if my symptoms are caused by consuming too much microplastic?

Answer: You should schedule a test with your doctor.