Can’t Connect To 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi?

2.4 GHz are the most common and extensively used routers. Although, we can occasionally face connection issues where we can’t connect it across our devices.

So, to resolve it you can update it, check all the system requirements, etc. Factory reset also does much help in some cases.

What are 2.4 GHz routers?

The number 2.4 Ghz indicates the radio wavelength frequency your router is using to transmit the signals. It gives you a wide range of connectivity with moderately good speed ( you can expect 50 -70 Mbps speed in general). But if you need more speed, you can switch to a 5Ghz wifi band but have to compromise the area as it acts better in the low range.

How to troubleshoot?

If you are experiencing problems regarding your router connection, hopefully, there are some ways to fix it from your end.

1. Change Device Settings

If you have trouble connecting 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi across your devices, you should check a setting in your device. These settings, when turned on, would not Connect To 2.4 GHz Wifi networks. The reason behind this is, however, to maximize the performance or speed up your device when connected only with 5 GHz and, also not allow any devices when less than 2.4 GHz band is available. So, check whether you have such settings and consider turning them off. Then try to connect your device with a 2.4 GHz access point. If it works fine otherwise, go through the next method.

2. Update Your Device

It is a method you can apply to keep all such devices working. With new technologies coming up every day, new security and protection features are added up simultaneously. So, it should be one of your primary responsibility to check for updates and install them as soon as you see them. It ensures all the bugs and patches are fixed from time to time. If not connecting your device is accounted for this reason, it will surely start working after you complete all the software updates.

3. Update Router Firmware

As you need an operating system to run a computer, PC, or smartphone router also has a similar kind of software to run all its functions properly. It’s a kind of software that comes inbuilt with every router. 

Most importantly, updating this firmware is extremely important to check the connectivity issues and make you secure.

Even if your device is running with no issues visible, consider updating it from time to time.

4. Restart Your Router

Here is the process to try, which is restarting your device. This sometimes can act as a quick fix. To perform, follow the step-by-step method below-

Switch off the routerUnplug it from the switchboardWait for 2-3 minutes patiently then plug it in. Switch it back on.

Now, connect it to the 2.4 GHz access point and observe if there is any difference. 

5. Factory Reset

If the restart process doesn’t help you, the next thing you can do is reset. Resetting or commonly factory reset is sometimes the only option to troubleshoot it. Although, it is not generally recommended as much as it wipes out all the information you have put so far. Your Wi-Fi name, password everything is going to be deleted. After the reset, it will automatically change to its default password.

So, to give it a go, follow the instructions-

Look for the labelled button for reset, you should find it at the back of the router. It will be like a pinhole type, take a nonmetallic sharp point object so that you can press the button inside. Press and hold it for 1 minute. Then the router will restart and the process will be completed.

Now, connect it to the 2.4 GHz access point. If fortune favours, your problem will ultimately be solved. Otherwise, you can try the last option which is described below.

6. Contact customer support

If none of the above methods doesn’t seem to work for you, you can alternatively choose to call customer care services as nothing much can be done from your end.

You should tell them what happens and how many ways you have tried to fix it. Depending on the type of problem, they suggest you another procedure to follow otherwise they will ask you to send it to them for checking internal errors.


Now we have learnt ‘Can’t Connect To 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi?’, To cut a long story short, 2.4 GHz routers are the most commonly used routers for the maximum of devices we use at home. It is also affordable compared to 5Ghz routers. Although reasons can be many behind the connectivity issues, you can have always multiple options to troubleshoot which, in most cases, resolves issues.

Frequently Asked Question

Are single-band routers recommended for 2. 4 GHz wifi?

Ans:- Yes, single-band wifi is the best fit for 2.4 GHz and those of double band are suitable for 5Ghz.

Why do I connect only 2. 4 GHz wifi and not 5Ghz?

Ans:- To connect with 5Ghz wifi your router must be compatible with that, what this means is that a 5Ghz connection has additional software requirements which lack in your device.