Think the President is above the law? Think again. Yes, the President is the head of state and yes, the president enjoys some pretty impressive immunity. But the president is not in any way above the law. Yes, the president can be arrested. It’s rarely heard of, but it is a possibility. For example, if the President were to commit a crime, like treason or murder, the president could be arrested and tried in a court of law. And even if the President is pardoned for his/her crimes, the president could still be arrested and held in custody. 

Grounds for Presidential Arrest

Generally, there are a few grounds for arrest that would apply to the president. For example, the president could be arrested if the president were to commit a crime. This could include things like treason, obstruction of justice, or bribery.

Another potential ground for arrest would be if the president were to violate the Constitution. For example, if the president decided to declare martial law or suspend the Constitution altogether. So the president could be arrested under certain circumstances. It all depends on the unique situation and what laws are involved.

President’s Impeachment Over Arrest

So, could the President be arrested? It’s a possibility, another option could be impeachment. Here’s a closer look at the differences between impeachment and arrest:

Impeachment is a formal process in which a president is accused of misconduct. Presidential impeachment translates to the president forcefully stepping down from the presidential office. 

An arrest, on the other hand, is an act of taking into custody a person who has been accused of committing a crime. So, if the President were to be arrested, the president would be taken into custody and have to stand trial for his/her crimes.

Events To Occur After The President Is Arrested

Let’s say the president was arrested on federal charges. What would happen? First and foremost, the president will be detained in police custody to await an impending trial before a federal judge. 

Assuming the president pleads not guilty, a trial would be scheduled. If the president is found guilty, the president could be sentenced to prison time, and/or fined. But here’s the kicker: the president couldn’t be impeached while in prison. So even if the president is found guilty of a crime, the president could still serve out the remainder of his or her term.

Historical Precedents for Presidential Arrest

Let’s take a closer look at the historical precedents for presidential arrest. The president being the head of state and the Armed Forces Commander-in-Chief enjoys certain civil liberties, like immunity from prosecution. This means that the president cannot be arrested or tried for any crimes while in the presidential seat of power. 

This protection is enshrined in the Constitution, and it’s been upheld by the courts on several occasions. But immunity from prosecution doesn’t mean that the president is immune from arrest altogether. The president can still be arrested for criminal offenses, but the president would have to be impeached and removed from office before facing criminal charges.

Other Ways to Hold the President Accountable

Through impeachment. The president is charged for crimes committed and the Senate decides if the president is unfit to continue in the presidential office. It’s a pretty serious process, and it’s only been used a handful of times in American history.

Another way is through the courts. The President can be sued just like any other citizen, and there have been a few cases where this has happened. For example, in 1997, Paula Jones filed a sexual harassment lawsuit against Bill Clinton while he was still in office.

And finally, there’s always the possibility of a recall election. This has happened on a few occasions in history.

Events to Occur If President Is Found Guilty in a Criminal Trial

So, what would happen if the president was arrested and found guilty in a criminal trial? First of all, the trial would have to take place in a federal court, since the president is a federal official. And the president could only be tried for crimes that occurred while in office. If the president is found guilty, the president could be sentenced to prison time, impeachment, or a fine.  

But it’s not clear what would happen if the president was convicted of a crime and then sent to prison. Impeachment is probably the best bet. It’s possible that the next president would pardon the president, or that the president would continue to serve as president from behind bars. Crazy, right? 

A Brief History of Presidential Arrests

It’s an interesting question and one that’s come up before. 

1841, President John Tyler was arrested for treason after he vetoed a bill that would have increased the number of congressmen. 1974, President Richard Nixon, after facing impeachment due to the Watergate incident, humbly resigned from office.  1992, President George H. W. Bush, was charged with drinking while being drunk in Kennebunkport, Maine.

So as you can see, presidential arrests can happen, but they’re not exactly common.

It’s always a possibility that the president could be arrested, depending on the crime. the president is not above the law. If you have any questions about the president’s potential for arrest or any other legal matters, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’re here to help you understand the law and how it applies to your life.