There are many questions related to SNAP like which food commodity it covers. So today, we are going to discuss whether it covers vitamins under it or not and whether we can buy vitamins with food stamps. 

 Does it cover vitamins? 

Main question which arises in everyone’s mind is whether vitamins can be purchased with food stamps (SNAP) or not. Answer to this question is NO. It is because work on SNAP is still going on.

People are confused about what to buy and what not. So today, we are going to clear this confusion by explaining what it includes and what not. 

Food included in SNAP

Due to covid epidemic, a lot of people have suffered, some have lost their jobs and some lost their bread earners and many more. 

But recently, a program has been initiated which provides food to those people. It covers basic food items under it like pulses, bread, meat, fruits, vegetables, dairy products, fish and poultry. It doesn’t include non-food items such as housekeeping things and products which are not meant to be eaten. 

Does SNAP include vitamins and can we buy it with food stamps? 

No,it doesn’t include vitamins and other medicine in fact there are many other items which are not included under it. 

Unavailable food

Alcoholic products Medicine Tobacco products Live animals except fish and Shelly fish 

Why are vitamins not covered under SNAP? 

 Still work on things whether to include vitamins or not in SNAP is going on. But these are not essential commodities for everyone and thus are not covered in SNAP or can’t be purchased with food stamps. In other words if a product has supplement label fact then it is not eligible for SNAP purchase. 

Is SNAP beneficial? 

Yes, it is. Many people are getting benefits through it and many are getting proper essential nutrition through it. Those who were not able to put a single meal on their plate are now getting food to fill their stomach. This was the purpose of initiating SNAP and it has been fulfilled. 

Should vitamins be included? 

          There are different opinions on it. Some agree to include it and some agree not to include it. While if we talk about maximum population then it should be considered under it. Vitamins are something which is good for everyone health and required by them but due to lack of money some don’t purchase it even if it’s required for their health so, for those people who genuinely needs it and cannot afford it, it should be included in SNAP so that they can get benefit of it and get proper vitamins in their body. 

Decisions regarding vitamins involvement

       Work on involving vitamins in SNAP or not is going on and decision is yet to be taken. But soon may be vitamins can be covered under SNAP and thus could be included in it in the coming time. But not final decision has been taken on it. 

Are there demerits of vitamins in SNAP? 

Every coin has two sides. Similarly it has two aspects one is positive and other is negative. No doubt it is providing benefit to people but it would also creates unwanted craze among people because it will be provided to them free of cost due to which those people who didn’t require it,they may also take it and it can cause affect to their health. Excessive amount of vitamin can lead to adverse affect on health but it would be difficult to make it understand to people and thus can create chaos for sometime. But other than that it has positive sides as well which is beneficial to the people and provide positive response to people by fulfilling their deficiency of vitamins. Now, almost people would not have to suffer due to deficiency of vitamin and can live a happy, healthy and cheerful life. But taking care while having vitamins is must as they should be taken in amount which is required by the body.

Is deficiency of vitamins a concern? 

         Yes. It is a matter of concern as some people are having disease due to deficiency of vitamins only. Some are suffering with different type of problems such as getting tired early and all due to 

Lack of vitamins in their body. Providing them vitamins with food stamps not only help them to overcome but also establish different type of energy among them to work more and thus they can earn more because it is well said a happy mind is all what a human being needs. 


      So, we have seen that with positive points it also has negative points and in order to achieve target of greater audience vitamins should be included in SNAP  as it would provide benefits to them and many can have access to it. To overcome the deficiency of vitamins among people it should be included as soon as possible.