There could be a number of reasons why you can’t delete messages in Microsoft Teams if you don’t have a delete option. Revoked privileges: An administrator might have taken away your ability to erase sent communications. Some businesses block the ability to remove items so that they are more transparent. If something is wrong, contact your admin.
Select the message you’d want to delete. A little menu bar will appear. Select Delete from the 3 ellipses option.
To remove a message or image you’ve sent in Teams: Tap and hold the message you sent. Select Delete. Tap Delete again to finalize your action.
Important: You can’t remove or modify your comments once you’ve submitted them. The job displays a comment symbol to notify the team that there’s something new to read after a remark is added.
Regardless matter the cause, Microsoft Teams makes it extremely simple to modify as desired. All you have to do is go to the comment or message you wish to change, then hover over it until it becomes highlighted, then select edit!