Twitter accounts are suspended for a variety of reasons, including spamming users, harassment, or other violations of Twitter’s rules. Suspended accounts are usually suspended for 30 days before being deleted.

Twitter does not delete permanently suspended accounts. They remain suspended indefinitely.

The only way to know if your Twitter suspension is permanent is by contacting Twitter.

Yes, it is possible to reactivate a Twitter account. You can do this by following the steps on the Reactivate an Account page.

It is possible that your account may be deleted if it has been inactive for a long period of time.

Twitter’s permanent suspension is not a fixed length of time. It’s determined by the user’s account history and severity of violation. The account will be permanently suspended if it has been reported as spamming, tweeting out inappropriate content, or using a fake profile.

Twitter takes 10-14 business days to respond to an appeal.

A suspension is temporary and typically lasts for a period of time that is specified in the suspension letter.

You cannot reactivate your suspended Twitter account, but you can create a new one.Twitter suspends accounts for violating their terms of service. They do this to protect their users from abuse, spam, and other violations of the community standards. If you believe that your account was suspended in error, you can contact customer support by clicking here.

To delete your Twitter account, sign into your account and click on Settings. The next page will display a Delete Your Account option.