Choose a price that works for you. Sellers will have the choice to accept or reject your offer. Fill in the necessary shipping and payment details. You will not be charged unless your offer is accepted by a seller.

It generally takes 1-2 days for authentication after we get your sneakers. As soon as our experts have validated your footwear, your earnings will be added to your GOAT account and you can withdraw cash.

We strive to give our clients the greatest possible customer experience when purchasing on GOAT, as well as prevent our sellers from canceling purchases. In the app, under the Sell tab, you may cancel your order if necessary. Please keep in mind that multiple cancellations on orders incur a higher commission fee.

GOAT uses well-posed and professionally shot images of the shoes for sale instead of merely amateur pictures. However, despite this knowledge, a significant number of vendors attempt to sell fakes through the site, according to Lu.

If your sale is not delivered within three weeks (Monday through Friday, excluding holidays) from when the order was placed, GOAT will cancel the transaction.

Yes, sellers do pay the shipping on GOAT.

Yes, you can sell on GOAT without a box. However, if you are looking to get the best price for your sneakers, we recommend that you include a box in your listing.

The phrase “no lid on GOAT” is a metaphor meaning that there is no limit to the potential for greatness. It can be used to describe anything from an athlete or artist who is constantly pushing themselves to new heights, to a company or country that is experiencing rapid growth.

There is no definitive answer to this question as both platforms have their own benefits and drawbacks. GOAT is a more established platform and has a larger selection of sneakers, while StockX is newer but offers more detailed information on the products they sell. Ultimately, it depends on what you are looking for in a sneaker resale platform.

Yes, you can see recent sales on GOAT. Just go to the “Sales” tab on the main menu and select “Past 7 Days.” This will show you all of the sales that have taken place in the past week.

Yes, you can trust shoes from GOAT. The company has a good reputation and is known for selling high-quality products.