Donors are however strictly asked about their medical history and social life to minimize any risk of transmission of infection through transfusion.

Donating plasma when you have herpes. 

A donor can have herpes and still donate.  Herpes does not destroy the blood’s quality.  Some donation centres are known to offer payment as compensation to the donor. This money can be considered as a side hustle to help you, especially with the rising inflation rates.  Under the right conditions, plasma can be stored and used in the manufacture of plasma therapies.  

Can You Donate Plasm If You Have Herpes outbreak. 

Herpes is transmitted after an exchange of body fluids. Therefore you’ll end up infecting the person receiving the plasma.  Plasma carries the necessary antibodies needed to give the body strength to fight any infections. You, therefore, need it to help fight off the outbreak.  Your immune system is weak and will need time to strengthen.  When taking advantage of a centre that is compensating donors you put patients at risk.  

How to manage herpes to ensure future eligibility. 

If you have multiple sexual partners you are advised to use a condom since you are still at risk of triggering a herpes infection or may contract genital herpes if you are infected with oral herpes.  Know what triggers your herpes outbreaks. Seek medical attention and follow a treatment plan as advised by the doctor.  Eat a well-balanced diet.  Maintain the daily minimum water intake.  

Basic requirements for the Donation of plasma

You should be at least 18 years old. Weigh at least 50kgsTest negative for infections such as HIV, hepatitis A and B, Ebola and HPV.  You’ll be required to fill in a form that asks questions about your medical history, sexual activities and any form of body art such as tattoos and piercings.  You’ll also be asked about any existing diseases such as asthma, tuberculosis and sickle cell anaemia.  Inform the medical personnel if you are using or have used any medication.  

The following conditions make you automatically ineligible for donation

Have a history of using injectable drugs such as cocaine, rocket fuel and heroin.  Have tested positive for any infection such as HIV.  Currently going through a herpes outbreak.  You are taking medication to treat certain conditions such as asthma.  Have a fresh tattoo and piercingsYou are underweight.  Have non-communicable diseases such as diabetes.  

Before donating make sure you:

Eat a healthy and heavy meal.  Cut alcohol and caffeine since such beverages dehydrate your body.  Drink a lot of water, and blend juices.  Have arranged how you’ll get home.

Donation process. 

A health care worker will talk to you and assess your physical and mental wellbeing.  The health care professional will also ask about your medical history and will hand you a form with terms and conditions of the donation process During the actual donation, an intravenous line is injected and draws blood.  Once the process is complete you’ll be given some time to recover and a snack.  

After the donation process makes sure you:

Continue to drink fluids such as water Avoid heavy lifting and tiring yourself. Give your body time to rest and recover.  Have a balanced diet.  

Plasma type AB is highly desirable since it can be transfused to recipients regardless of their blood type. 

When choosing a centre make sure they use new sterile equipment such as needles to avoid transmission of new infections. 

Common uses of plasma include in the manufacture of drugs, to help accident victims and cancer patients whose bodies are too weak to naturally produce electrolytes and proteins because of the chemotherapy and radiotherapy. 

A herpes diagnosis does not mean you’ll always be sick, you’ll just have to take care of your body. The eligibility of those individuals who have herpes is assessed by a professional to determine their status; this is to protect both the donors and recipients. 

Is herpes curable?

No, you’ll always be a carrier.   

Can You donate plasm if you have herpes to another herpes patient?

No. There are two types of herpes virus infections and you might end up triggering an out on the recipient.  

Do patients who suffer from herpes feel pain?

Cold sores are painful and can cause pain when trying to swallow anything and cause discomfort in the genitals. Patients are prescribed painkillers.  

Can you get infected with herpes after a blood transfusion?

Yes, you can. As a precaution, all donors are tested for infections to protect all the recipients.