Blood donation is a voluntary activity in which an individual donates his or her blood for transfusion or pharmaceutical medications. In most cases the donor does not request payment of any sort, they just do it in the form of charity or helping a family or a friend in need of blood. This blood is properly screened before being accepted and put in the blood bank. This is done to avoid the transfer of blood transmitted diseases like Human Immuno Virus ( HIV), hepatitis, and the host of others. They are four kinds of blood donation which include:

Whole blood donationPower red donationPlatelet donation. Plasma donation

Can You Donate Plasma If You Have Tattoos?

This article is talking about plasma donation. Plasma is the liquid portion of blood which contains 92% of water, 7-8%  proteins such as gamma globulins, fibrinogen, serum albumins, glucose, and anti- hemophilic factor, and lastly, 1% contains hormones, fats, mineral salt, sugar, and vitamins. It’s the largest component of the blood and it is a yellowish liquid. Blood plasma functions in the following ways;

It acts as a medium for transporting nutrients to the various parts of the body where it is needed.  It helps in coagulating the blood when an individual is bleeding. It provides immunity to the body system against external bodies. It acts as an acid and base balancer. It regulates the temperature of the body system.

Plasma donation involves drawing the blood and extracting the plasma from it through filtration or centrifugation and the blood is then returned to the individual with a method that is called Plasmapheresis. Individuals with the AB blood group are known to be the universal donor of blood plasma. Before an individual undergoes the plasma donation process, he or she will undergo a pulse, blood pressure, temperature, and oxygen level tests. 

Requirements for blood donation 

The age range of 18-60 years. Must weigh nothing less than. Hemoglobin of nothing less than 12. 5 grams. Must be free from any blood transmittable disease. Have a normal pulse and temperature rate. Free from respiratory disease. Body alteration of more than 12 months.

With the popular myth going around that an individual with piercings or tattoos can not donate blood plasma, many individuals have given up the idea of donating their blood. That’s not true, here is the good news individual with tattoos are good and ready to go to donate their plasma but the bad news is that one can not donate their blood plasma if their tattoo or tattoos is less than 12 months especially if it was done in a non-regulated tattoo bar thereby making a restriction for those that just recently got a tattoo. 

In the United States some states do not have regulated tattoo bars thereby making it strict for individuals to donate blood from those states, they include; New York, Pennsylvania, Utah, Wyoming, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Idaho, and Columbia. Most times the fear of collecting blood from individuals that have tattoos especially when it is done from a non-regulated tattoo parlor is that there is a high risk of blood infections because they might have not met up with the standard rules stated for tattoo parlors. 

Other reason why one might not be eligible for blood plasma donation

If the donor has consumed alcohol in the last 24 hours )If one has smoked in the last 5 hours before the donation. If one has had dental surgery in the past 5 days. If one has traveled out of the country.  People with a bleeding disorderHomosexuals ( must wait after 12 months before being legible)People that have undergone transplants ( must wait 12 months before being legible)Sickle cell patientsPiercings ( if it’s a gun then one is legible but if it’s unsterilized equipment, one has to wait for 12 months) 

Benefits of blood plasma donation

Reduction of cholesterol levelReduction of blood pressureDonors of blood plasma can earn at least up to 4,000 dollars annuallySaving lives Could expose one to any disease he or she might have during this process.  


Individuals with tattoos are eligible for donations of blood plasma but one should allow his or her tattoo to heal fully to avoid transmitting any kind of infection, getting a tattoo newly could reduce one’s immunity and it is also advisable for the individual to eat food that contains a lot of vitamins and iron-rich foods and after donation make sure you have enough rest and take a lot of fluid to keep you hydrated. Donation of blood should be done the right way to avoid putting the donor and recipient at health risk.

  1. Can I donate blood if I travel out of the United States?

Traveling to certain countries could make one illegible, especially in countries that have diseases like malaria for a certain period 

  1. Do people lie about the time they got their tattoos done?

Yes, some do one thing they do not know it’s to the detriment of themselves and the recipient. It is advisable to come clean and most of the time the blood is properly screened to see if it is pure enough for donation.

  1. Does it mean getting a tattoo in a non-regulated state disqualifies one from donating blood?

     No, it does not. But one will be monitored and have to wait for the period of 12 months.