You cannot overdraft self credit card unless you’ve specifically requested an ‘over-the-limit’ coverage from your card issuer, which is akin to overdraft protection. If a purchase will drive you over your credit limit, your card transaction will be rejected, and you will not be charged any further fees or account overruns in most circumstances. The Credit CARD Act of 2009 is the reason for this. Card issuers are not permitted to incur you any over-the-limit extra cost unless you’ve explicitly authorized payments that will take you over your limit ahead, according to the law.

Over-limit coverage is a fee-based service offered by your credit provider that allows you to go over your credit limit. Your credit limit is the utmost amount of money your provider will lend you. It is possible to reach and surpass your credit limit; nevertheless, overdrafting on a credit card is a term reserved for your bank account. Exercising your credit card’s maximum limit is simply referred to as “going over the limit.”

How an Overdraft Works?

An overdraft allows you to borrow money from your account by withdrawing more money than the bank account has available. Normally, there is a price for this service (Overdraft fee). An overdraft should only be for short-term loans or exigencies. When a person’s account balance falls below zero, resulting in a negative balance, this is known as an account overdraft. It usually occurs when an account has no more funds, yet an outstanding transaction is performed through it, resulting in the account holder incurring a debt.

A debt is acquired because, with an overdraft, the bank technically lends the amount required to perform the transaction to the account holder, an amount that must be repaid along with associated cost. While it may appear to be beneficial to the account holder, if overdrafts are not handled swiftly and appropriately, fees can quickly spiral out of control. However, just like any other debt, an overdraft must be managed carefully to avoid spiraling charges. An overdraft can be requested or granted by your bank; nevertheless, keep in mind that an overdraft is a loan. There may be less expensive options if you need to loan money. It is critical to consistently seek out the most cost-effective loan option.

Types Of Overdraft

Authorized overdrafts: These are often regarded as ‘arranged’ overdrafts because the arrangements are made well in advance between the account holder and their bank, so they’re also known as ‘arranged’ overdrafts. You agree with your bank on a spending limit and only spend up to that amount. Naturally, the arrangement comes with a service fee which varies per bank. The fee is often levied daily, weekly, or monthly, with interest, which can range from 15% to 20%.

Unauthorized overdrafts: As the name implies, this is an overdraft that has not been pre-approved. These are also known as Impromptu overdrafts and occur when you expend much more than your bank account balance sans first consenting to it. This includes exceeding an authorized overdraft.

Overdraft Fee

Although you cannot overdraft self savings accounts or self credit cards, it is a good idea to keep an eye on your current account at the bank to avoid overdraft fees. Only if you agree to exceed your limit will your bank be able to charge you fees. Banks and building societies charge interest rates on overdrafts that range from 19% to 40% or more. A checking account’s average overdraft fee is $26. Banks used to levy higher costs for unauthorized overdrafts, however they can no longer do so as of April 2020. 

How To Avoid Overdraft Fees?

Opt out of overdraft coverage

You have no control over whether your financial institution covers or rejects a transaction that might result in a negative balance, but you do have power over one thing. If you choose not to participate in an overdraft protection program, your provider will not be able to cover one-time debit card or ATM purchases or impose overdraft penalties. If there isn’t enough money, transactions are refused without overdraft protection.

Set up low balance alerts

Make checking your balance a process that you can manage. Check with your provider to see if you can set up email or SMS notifications for when an account falls below a specific limit you choose.

Keep track of your account balance on a frequent basis

Check your accounts at least once a week, if not more frequently to ensure that your balances are not too low. This may appear to be a straightforward concept, but many people overlook it. The account holder can decide how much they can spend by checking on a regular basis. This can be done quickly and conveniently online via bank’s mobile app, over the phone or at an ATM.

Stop using the card and figure out ways to live on a budget

If you’ve exceeded your credit limit as a result of a more serious financial problem, you should cease using the card and concentrate on paying off the debt. Cutting back on your spending will help you clear your overdraft as quickly as possible. A budget can help you establish financial control and manage your bills. 


You cannot overdraft a self credit card or savings account unless you have enrolled into a program with your card issuer that permits you to exceed your credit card limit, which is comparable to overdrawing your bank account.

Does going over my credit limit affect my credit score?

Although going above your card limit is feasible, doing so is not encouraged if you want to improve and keep your credit scores. Your credit usage ratio, which monitors how much of your accessible credit lines you’re utilizing, is affected if you go over that limit. Credit utilization should be kept low to maintain strong credit scores.

Can you overdraft a savings account?

A savings account, fortunately, can only be emptied, not overdrafted.

Can your bank overdraft be taken away?

Because an overdraft isn’t assured, it is not suitable for long-term borrowing. If the bank believes you are abusing it and are in financial distress, they may take it away from you. Overdraft protection is a fee-based banking system that allows customers to exhaust their checking accounts. When you withdraw more money from a bank account than you have in it, your bank charges you an overdraft fee. When considering whether or not to approve an over-the-limit transaction, card issuers may take into account a number of variables, including your payment history.

You cannot overdraft a self credit card unless you’ve specifically requested an ‘over-the-limit’ coverage from your card issuer, which is akin to overdraft protection. If a purchase will drive you over your credit limit, your card transaction will be rejected, and you will not be charged any further fees or account overruns in most circumstances. The Credit CARD Act of 2009 is the reason for this. Card issuers are not permitted to incur you any over-the-limit extra cost unless you’ve explicitly authorized payments that will take you over your limit ahead, according to the law.

Over-limit coverage is a fee-based service offered by your credit provider that allows you to go over your credit limit. Your credit limit is the utmost amount of money your provider will lend you. It is possible to reach and surpass your credit limit; nevertheless, overdrafting on a credit card is a term reserved for your bank account. Exercising your credit card’s maximum limit is simply referred to as “going over the limit.”