If you want to temporarily disable Snapchat on your phone, you need to delete it from the apps list. To do this, go to Settings > General > iPhone Storage and tap on the Snapchat app. Then tap Delete App.To delete the app from your account, go to https://support.snapchat.com/en-US/article/how-do-i-delete-myself-from-snapchat and sign in with your username and password.

Snapchat is a photo and video sharing app that lets users send messages to one another. When you deactivate your account, people will not be able to see your photos or videos.

You can disable Snapchat 2021 by deleting the app.

There are a few ways to delete a Snapchat without deleting it. For example, you could open the app and hold the screen for a few seconds. This will bring up a prompt asking you what you want to do with your story. You can delete the story from there, or you can tap on “Keep” in order to keep it saved in your Memories section of the app.

The only way to know if your account has been disabled is to log in and see.

It takes about a week to reactivate Snapchat.

A deactivated Snapchat account is no longer able to send or receive messages from other users. When a user deletes their account, the app will ask for confirmation before deleting it. If the user decides not to delete their account, they can log back in and resume using the app.

Snapchat has to make sure that the data is permanently deleted from their servers before they can delete your account. In order to do this, Snapchat deletes the data from their servers and then deletes the account from their servers. This process typically takes about 30 days.

No. Deleting Snapchat will not delete your messages, but it will remove the app from your phone and require you to log in again if you want to use it.

Snapchat is designed to be a temporary photo-sharing app. When you send someone a Snap, it disappears after 24 hours. This helps keep the app lightweight and easy to use.