The most intriguing question 

Are the funds generated through charity donations utilized appropriately? Has over the three decades of the existence of ASPCA solved animal cruelty-related problems in the state? Has the cooperation activities added to the economic growth? What is the public opinion on the cooperation activities? Does the cooperation have people in detention facilities for cruelty-met offenses? Are all money gained through charities donation and contribution used for the purpose of the donations? 

ASPCA donation controversies 

Forbes 2020 reports, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) ranked 63rd of the top 100 charities in the United States, with a total donation of $355 million, making its one of the leading animal welfare organizations in the state. With over 680,000 members and donors. The fiscal 2021 report of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) showed 4% of its annual earnings from donations used for shelter and the welfare of the animals.  Harold Guither reported that the cooperation shut down three of her five shelters in the 80s, leading to the death of over 30,000 animals due to overcrowding with a more than 50% killing rate. Similarly to the “Oreo” dog case as reported in Activist Fact 2017. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) claimed the animal was dangerous to society, but adoption agencies volunteered to take in and reintegrate it. The dog would be one of over 100 animal kill by the ASPCA that year. It is a family tradition in the state to donate for the prevention of cruelty to animals, providing shelter and medical supplies. With the growing concern of people allegedly imprisoned for cruelty to animals, causing fear among the public people perceptions changed regarding how American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) managed funds. People interest in keeping pets has been reduced due to the stringent bills and the increase in jail terms from six months to five years.  The public was afraid and accused the ASPCA of using the New York City Humane Law Enforcement (HLE) as a tool for witch-hunting. And they call for a change in policy that the cooperation should focus on public education on animal keeping, free vaccination, and medical supplies for registered people that keep animals.  The ASPCA works with Humane Law Enforcement (HLE) and establishes stronger legal protections for animals. Banning the use of animals for recreation and entertainment purposes leads to the loss of jobs and exposing them to untold hardship without providing or recommending an alternative.  Opinion sample found out that most neglected animals are abandoned due to the owner death or financial constraints to provide shelter and food to the animal. These homeless animals are not found in the big city. Most families donating will appreciate seeing their money used for the sole purpose for which it was made and accounted.  

Why should Cancel ASPCA donation? 

In a Forbes report on the fiscal year ending in 2021, ASPCA revenue generated about $335 million in donations. The cooperation has over 1000 employees, with the annual salary of the CEO at $750,000. According to Beef Magazine 2020, the leading US charity cooperatives of financial mismanagement for allocating only 4% of its revenue from donations and charity for shelter to animal welfare.  Fact Activist (2012) reported in December 2012 that the ASPCA was guilty of paying bribes to federal law enforcement agencies $9. 3 million. ASPCA sued and fined $190,000. The cooperation was found guilty of different financial misappropriations of the donor money.  New York Times reported in its 2007 report that between 1997 and 2005, the investigations have shown that the cooperation underperformed in light of the million budgeted and the revenue generated annually. ASPCA net asset of $407 million with a $67 million surplus/ loss. 74% charitable commitment, fundraising commitment of 80%, and donor dependency of 76% Forbes report 2021.  The cooperation is known for advocating for the law prohibiting killing animals for food. Animals widely used as a source of protein, President Kullberg’s advocacy is considered anti-American.  


 It becomes necessary to cancel of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) donation, which will help curb the cooperation excesses. Donations to the ASPCA are a brainchild of Americans toward raising awareness of the need to prevent cruelty to animals by curbing the menace of animal vulnerability. The moment believes the cooperation has failed to achieve her mission which is deem fit to call for its cancellation. The cooperation failed to satisfy the timid American age-long tradition by misusing the donation for the main reason why its established. The public expects every dollar to count toward preventing animal cruelty and providing shelter. 

How will the cancel of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) donation have an impact on American GDP? 

If the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) donation canceled will not affect the GDP. 

Has cooperation been able to solve animal cruelty in the US? 

No, the cooperation was not successful in handling all US animal cruelty cases. There are unreported cases of animal cruelty in the US.

Where would the animals in the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) facility be taken care of if the donation canceled? 

The government will sensitize the public on how to taken care of their animal. 

What will be the fate of animals in shelter homes?

The government should employ caregivers to look after them

Will government investigate the fund donated?

The government will employ an auditing company to investigate financial inappropriateness