Cancel Audible Subscription
The Audible membership can be canceled in different ways depending on your device (iOS or Google Play) or online (
Open the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad. Select “your name. ”Click on Subscriptions or “iTunes & App Stores. ” If “Subscriptions” is not displayed, sign in and click on “View Apple ID” from the menu. Select the Audible subscription. Then select “Cancel Subscription. ”
Google Play: The steps listed below can be used to terminate an Audible Google Play membership:
On your Android smartphone, launch the Google Play Store application. Tap on your profile photo in the top right corner to open the Profile Menu. From the Payments and Subscriptions menu, choose Subscriptions. Click “Cancel Subscription” after finding Audible.
Audible. com: Follow these instructions to discontinue your membership with Audible. com:
Audible’s Services
AudiobooksPodcastsAudible Channels
Audiobooks: They are voice recordings of a book’s text that you can listen to instead of reading, often with additional elements like background music. Audiobooks are useful in situations where you want to take a stroll in the park but need to be aware of your surroundings, or you’re at a gathering in which looking at your phone nonstop makes you appear rude. Without ever having seen the book itself, you can hear the book’s lines spoken by a particular character or person, drawing you into the narrative.
Podcasts: Podcasts are another feature that Audible provides. Personal on Demand Broadcast is sometimes abbreviated as “podcast”. It is a program made available as digital audio that may be downloaded for offline listening or listened to online. They are typically in series to pique listeners’ interest and keep them coming back for more. Podcasts are hosted by an individual or group of individuals who discuss subjects, offer anecdotes, or deliver the news. By listening to someone who understands their perspective, they assist in creating communities where people can discover their interests and interact with people from all over the world.
Audible Channels: Since it began offering short-form content in 2016, Audible’s on-demand service “Audible Channels” has included comedy shows, technology news, podcasts, audiobooks of newspapers, and comedy performances. Customers can download full-length audiobooks for free through Audible Channels at any time. With Audible Channels, you can time it, alter the narration pace, and download it offline.
One of the industry’s titans in the production of narrative podcasts and providing listeners with stimulating discussions is Audible. They make the audiobook and podcast experience simple, but also make the subscription end simple.
Does Audible include a free trial?
It does, indeed. Your first 30 days are free, and after that, you’ll receive an email asking if you want to keep using the service.
What is the charge rate for Audible?
After the free trial, the cheapest Audible plan is $7.95 a month; additional credits raise the price of the service. Monthly prices for Audible Plus are $7.95, and Audible Premium Plus (1 credit) is $14.95. (2 credits) Audible Premium Plus Annual Plan, $22.95 (12 credits). Audible Premium Plus Annual (24 credits) costs $229.50 per year and costs $149.50 per year, respectively.
What happens if I cancel my membership?
Anytime you choose, you can end your membership. There aren’t any prerequisites. You can keep any title you buy with credit forever.